institute of financial independence
A self-made millionaire, Richard would be the first to acknowledge his dependence and gratitude to God with where he is today. Explained in, ‘The Parable of the Talents’, Richard used what he had, studied and took the necessary risks to increase his wealth over time. However, like many wealthy people he started from very humble beginnings. As a young boy growing up in the poorest section of Rome, New York in the 1940's and 50's, he learned to be self-reliant, take personal responsibility and to work hard for what he wanted.
He approached making money as an adventure and as an educational experience. Whether shining shoes or experiencing a variety of careers in insurance, land development, securities or investment counseling, he was always educating himself. He came to realize that he was the most important factor in creating his own financial independence. He also realized that most people coming out of the school systems are "financially illiterate." They have learned a skill or profession, but they were taught nothing about our monetary system, financial planning, investments or even basic economics as it applies to the modern world.
A teacher from the beginning, Richard founded the Institute of Financial Independence over 35 years ago, an educational institution providing knowledge of financial freedom so that anyone, no matter their current income, could achieve the knowledge to help guide their own financial future.
Richard believes in teaching people to comprehend and control their finances, by helping them establish a foundation for success. Not only financially but in other areas of their lives, giving them the freedom to teach others who are less fortunate.
encounter with self
applications for your life

With a focus on theory & practical applications, this three-hour seminar, presented by Richard G. Stewart, Jr., develops participants' knowledge and understanding of the mind. Participants will discover how to improve their ability to be successful in life while developing a personal game plan for success.
Want more information or interested in attending the next seminar?
course SERIES
In 1976, Richard created the “Mastering the Business of Life Course Series” which culminated into the R.G. Stewart Prosperity Conference in 1980. Delivered to 27 cities around the country with over 40,000 attendees ranging from middle-class Americans to high-profile celebrities, the conference was hugely successful. The Life Course Series elevated students from an uninformed level of awareness to mastering the subject of money, and many students achieved millionaire status in the following years after the course conclusion.

By high demand of the Institute of Financial Independence, Richard established R.G. Stewart Millionaires Course. The course covered essential core principles to basic economics and finances. Including these topics: Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, and their reaction to various financial and economic trends. Richard also discussed the metaphysical aspects on eliminating barriers to obtain personal financial independence. The 9-day Millionaires Course had maximum attendance limit of 50 students per month and was delivered consistently for 3 years. Many students that enrolled achieved millionaire status within a few years of completing R.G. Stewart Millionaires Course.