Richard founded the Help Worldwide Foundation to channel donations to worthy causes. The Help Worldwide Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, and its mission is built on being a conduit for global change. In addition to receiving donations, Help Worldwide Foundation was formed to receive automated donations through various websites in order to allocate a portion of the proceeds to aid other non-profits. One transaction at a time, the Help Worldwide Foundation was built to give back to the charitable needs of this planet.
Catholic Loyalty Foundation
​Founded by Mr. Stewart, the Catholic Loyalty Foundation supports Catholic based organizations. By providing a platform for organizations to develop the strengths and skills necessary to transform their organization into one that is stably, prosperous and advancing. Guided by Catholic teachings, Catholic Loyalty Foundation’s major focus is to offer continued support in shaping financial solution that will sustain an organization through economic or financial challenges.

Mr. Stewart serves as the President and Chairman for WorldPriest (USA). WorldPriest, a nonprofit organization was established to affirm, inspire and inform. Their mission, “Provide for the advancement of Catholic faith by developing and maintaining a central resource website allows WorldPriest to support various aspects of the priestly ministry, facilitate the renewal and strengthening of the Catholic faith worldwide.” The goal is to unite priests and laity, so everyone can have a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.